Binyak Sen, the doctor arrested by the police, had been awarded life term imprisonment by the Raipur district court, on the charge of sedition. The charges levied against him were that he was carrying leftist pamphlets and books in his bag, posessing Maoist related articles and documents in his laptop, and he met the Maoist leader in the prison for many times. Police also said that it found a letter that showed Sen’s links with the Maoist. He was accused of acting as a courier between a Kolkata based business man and Maoist leader Sanyal. In all, he was charged with treason, criminal conspiracy and waging war against the state.
After hearing this, I read some articles about him, to know who this man is. In his past, he worked with NGOs, campaigned against human rights violations, spread health awareness among tribes and also advocated for the upliftment of tribes . He also opposed the idea of forming Salwa judum. He asserted that Salwa judum was a tactic by the government to divide tribal people.
He received many awards in India and in foreign too. In 2004, he got Paul Harison award for life time service to the poor people in rural areas. In 2007, he got R.R.Keithan gold medal with the citation “eminent scientist.”
In 2008 he was selected for Jonnathan Mann award for global health and human rights. At that time he was under arrest. The Global Health Council, which selected Sen for the award, had requested Indian government to allow Sen to receive the award in USA. But the government denied permission and his wife received the award instead.
Similar to this, an incident happened in China which we all are well aware of.
The Nobel Prize for peace 2010 was awarded to Chinese activists Liu Xiaobo, who had been jailed for 11 years by the communist regime. He was also denied permission to receive the Prize. Chinese Foreign ministry spokesperson said,”Liu is a criminal who violated the laws.”
Both the detainees, Sen and Liu, are famous for their contributions for their contribution to the upliftment of downtrodden. Their works have been recognized worldwide. However, both the governments see them as culprits. I could not found any differences between Indian and Chinese government’s behaviors. Both the countries arrested the human rights activists on the charge of treason.
India did the same with Sen as China did to Liu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interestingly, India attended the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Oslo.
Why did India attend? Why? Why?...Does anyone know the answer…?
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